Monday, February 7, 2011

Parts For Smith Sausage Stuffers

1 - Opening / Ending Theme of the week

As the monday 's my day off' I have more time to fuck or cmq follow my interests, I thought I'd kick off a new space here on the blog.
Every Monday 'in fact (as far as I will be' possible) I'm going to take a dip in the past to those who will follow me ', suggesting the abbreviations of some cartoons (soul) that good or bad almost everyone, we know.

As most of you know (but not) here in Italy every cartoon is deprived of its original code (which is usually also created an animated sequence on purpose), which is replaced with a cut and sew some sequences present in on board and which is adapted to art and built a song usually sung by Cristina D'Avena or Enzo Draghi .

Normally, however, 'the original instrumental versions of music by opening or closing of the episodes (Opening Theme and Ending Theme) are heard in many moments of these cartoons and with this new space I will make known to those who want 'the beautiful original coding.

The first video of the week 'to Hikari no Densetsu that is translated to mean The Legend of Hikari and here in Italy and' come with the title HILARY.

Incredibly there is also a symbol of this Italian version sung by the voice actress of Hikary / Hilary ( Paola Tablecloth died at the age 'of 28 years for a brain tumor) and a French guy that I found on youtube has cleaned up the background sounds and images and reassembled on the basis of the original code.

If you go to analyze the text is clear now that the words used in the Italian version has nothing to do with the Japanese but 'cmq appreciable adjustment in the music and e' cmq a very nice song in my opinion.
But no more talk, to the tune of If You're The One I wish you a good start all week:)


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