Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phoenix Stomach Virus

Sentimentality colored by taking the piss

color has something of that haunting, like the thin line and immense that you perceive in the final summit climb, the ultimate goal of climbing, the dream of effort, finally at the highest point, it is also ' ascension to the particular, the overview, the perception of what was previously imagined, rightly or wrongly then the truth is manifest.
Coloring Is it a sport, the game seriously, the risk anthropological tried, surely something more long-fermented, where this preparation, approximately wanting, that is not the primary motivation to discover that there indefinite, not appointed.
In the process you have the elements, parts, and perhaps more fortunate lies in this.

A structuring element, an action protester to find out in a gesture stroke, the stretch of this marker, as the living cell spotted the microscope you see something and then stir the wonder further emphasizes the respect anchored.
The designs are always Maestro Raffa '


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