Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Happaned With Tawnee Stone

New Site Mida Systems

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sdyney Disney Producet

Report Lucca Comics 2009 - and various possible, thanking all

Probably, it seems , I can certainly hope that the interpersonal debts that have accumulated to date, sooner or later fall. Know people always involves local or growths, give and take, and no one would imagine the fund will receive so much joy all at once:
concentrated in three days,
in one place.

The Great Max grew a little more evolved and changed in the clouds maresfaccettato words. Still at work with sketches, advice and smiles to devote to each one of you is always a man zen in Non-Newtonian fluid that surrounds us. I do not know how I can but it is always sublime. THANKS
Adriano Barone is nicer in person than through typed words to the PC, I have no idea why (this is not true, we know all right = P) but is an individual rather complicated for us inqudrarlo takes more time than the other. Wanting can be misleading if you do not look good, but only with their eyes and not only hear with your ears you will slowly discover the plans haunting weird it is made. Thank you, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this portion of the stars with you.
Mauro Cao is the best person to feel at home. One of the most pleasant surprises of the day in Lucca, an irreplaceable symbol of what they can mean the influences from outside Italy. THANKS
Paolo Castaldi, just as you are on the paper on which drawings, watercolors and writing. Charmingly simple in its structure, but involving and impressive as a beautiful part of best current artists who have recently discovered. It 'an important and different points of contact with "what has happened around me while I was thinking?" THANKS
Passenger Press. Passenger Press: LA Passenger Press. I had my way I would leave total carte blanche to indiviudi as Christian and Mark, the green light to the eternal and constant loads of ideas and visions that are able to generate, identify and seek to channel the deepest hidden corner of the mind. I am a bit like a real and effective Tantric journey toward the All, where the eyes are only one of the bodies that you can use to wonder how they managed to expand and elevate making clever use of paper printed. Purified an orgasm, without flesh and blood, directly above it, or adhere statement of the proceedings, even repetition,
only ecstasy. THANKS
The body of conceptual and operational Editions Voilier , gentillissimi and exceptionally nice, something totally new for me to keep under close care and interest, have already shown great and have a good eye for things that deal. THANKS
Eddy Campbell and thankyouuu ... Wow.
Filodichina , kinartista sweet, Enrychan , pleasant just like his drawings, Sorein Because I am clairvoyant and I say what really happens = P, Richard miticissimo Aihm lanterns of fireflies and I met only the first day and with whom I wanted to share so much longer. Dany and Dany masterfully delicious and beautiful, Ausonia, friendly and smiling, just as I remembered, Francesco Frongia exciting and very good news for me, and Sergio Algozzino Mais2 , both explosives and finally seen in flesh =) THANKS
Those that I do not know the name (and who do not know mine), designers and active members in our world of clouds, THANKS for giving me your deep and beautiful smiles, unknown and free, without ever be addressed or presented word.

Finally, even if I failed to meet them and see them through a profound identity Paolo Raffaelli, Emiliano Longobardi Smokyman and for everything they do and that I represent. I have thought much. =)

and all those that I have not written because my brain every day he wakes up older, THANK YOU.

Thank you all, really!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Bigger Than Boat Register Ontario

Laboratory safety study river for canoeists

Following the conclusion of the course of the river to safety kayakers, held the weekend of 17-18 October, we are starting to Laboratory Safety river. This is an initiative to study addressed the participants of the course that provides a cyberspace in which to collect notes and reflections. The notes will then be submitted to the review of teachers and will feed into a common information base with the objective of creating a small handbook on safety canoeist. The handbook will be finally published one of the publications of the Special Contents site and made available to the entire community.

Thank you in advance, participants will want to make a contribution, because thanks to them, which will be the real authors of the guide, many paddlers will have valuable insights into the issue of security.

On this occasion we remember that among the publications that are in the Special Contents, there is a small manual on the issues most commonly used in rivers. To download the manual, click on the publication # 3 at .

Participation in the group in the laboratory may occur in the following ways:
- if your notes include drawings as well as text, then we suggest to write a little word document, scan their own designs and send all attachments in e-mail address
- if not involving the notes and drawings, but only text, then you can choose to add a comment to this post (add a comment when you do not necessarily create a google account, but you can leave it as Anonymous selecting the appropriate entry at the time of transmission), or send a simple e-mail to . In the latter case, we'll publish them on a blog

A suggestion to collect your notes, you think of the sequence of topics that were discussed during the course and outline the various techniques of intervention.

Sharing is the key! A

take luck and see you soon in river.

Mario Adolini
you Feel Free kayak school

you Feel Free kayak school is a center of excellence for the practice and teaching of the river and kayak freestyle

Monday, September 28, 2009

How Many Days Of Dry Cm Before Period

Soca, thoughts of a canoeist

The road runs fast and the line passing lights intermittently shrouded by the darkness of night. Background music envelops the silence of the journey, making it even more muffled. The eyelids are tired and your hands are now on the steering wheel of your support to hold onto. My friend Vince is the half-sleep, almost feeling guilty for not leaving me alone at the helm for some time now. How many times have I seen this scene. It 's like an old movie dvd jealously preserved among the favorites that from time to time to see you again. I know the story, the characters, the jokes, but every time I seem to experience new emotions. The thoughts fly away. Are already in river. I think the most correct line to follow, I think of the phrases that you exchange with your fellow descent through a passage to another. We are now arrived. Once again, after having traveled all night, sleeping in a car or tent. Vincent with a grunt of disapproval, mixed with happiness tells me he wants to settle quickly. The air is fresh, the sound of the river dominates the night.
I could tell both spent last weekend in Slovenia. I could tell of the river, dinners with friends, heartfelt speeches on the equipment until late at night. But I stop here and let you imagine it as you like. Because that is what took place this weekend. In the most beautiful way imaginable.
The years pass, you become great, some may think that you do the same things, but thanks to the canoe, strangely nothing is repeated.

soon at River

Mario Adolini

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sydney Disney Product

Full Immersion Course Safety river - Session 2009 Jumps

part of the calendar of 2009 School
you Feel Free kayaks school is organized in collaboration with the Centre rafting The Marmore the 17-18 October 2009 a river safety course immersion period of two days (one weekend) designed specifically for those engaged in river canoeing.

The course has dual capability of re-train for those who have already participated in previous sessions of 2008 (8-9 March 2008 and November 8, 2008) and first-train for those who participate for the first time. The

stake in re-train is equal to 50% of the first-train.

The goal is to provide practical technical skills relating to safety aspects that most interest canoeists. What are the techniques most appropriate to recover the man remained in the river or on the other side? What should I do if the joint of the foot? How to create a vertical recovery? What are the tackles more appropriate to multiply the pulling force to intervene in various situations and how they perform? How to create a harness for rappelling and abseiling as you descend? What equipment is "minimal" to always wear down during a canoe? What are they and how to implement the various techniques of intervention? What is the function of the leader? These and other important topics will be covered during the course moments through theoretical lectures and practical exercises in the water. We will also describe the various facilities provided in the security and conditions for their optimal use. The course will also be an important moment of cultural exchange, where the participants can make their contribution through their river experience. In this context, it is possible that this course might be developed new techniques of intervention or made improvements to existing ones. The course contents have been developed by Umberto Galli, professor of the course guide and helper river rafting with professional qualification Rescue 3 advanced paddler and river since 1994, Mario Adolini, teacher since 1994, and river canoeing canoeist FICK river since 1989.

Detailed program is available in Section Publications (Publication No. 2) at

Each participant will be provided with clothing of good quality practice river (shoes, suit, shirt thermal, water jacket, preferably waterproof, splash guards, lifeguards from the stream and sink fitted with harness, helmet), cow tail (cord recovery-type cow's tail "), whistle , knife, four hooks, three of which ring closure, a pulley, a tubular webbing (Ribbon rock) of the length of four feet, two Prusik cords, bag launch, canoe creek, paddle. For those who want it you can rent clothing (shoes, suit, jacket water, lifejacket, helmet).

To register must notify your attendance through the references listed at or call 3357493414 by October 9, 2009.

Participants will enjoy the changing rooms, lockers and showers. The course will take place on the Black River to the waterfall Marmore where, thanks to the release of Galleto agreed with the panel, you can practice is the classic stretch downstream of the waterfall which can be simulated by typical upper course work, both in the central section below Galleto where recovery action can be simulated in the presence of high volume flow.

The course will be confirmed to achieve the minimum number of six participants.

Further information can be obtained at or the number 3357493414.

Only through continued research to improve you can increase your technical level and to give themselves and other high security standards.

you Feel Free Kayak school

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What's Best After Waxing Back

Marmore: Austria and emotions to tell

It was a rainy Saturday afternoon in June of last year, when I decided to go and inspect the "lateral jumps" of Marmora. They were there all along. Viewed and reviewed a thousand times, as a tourist and canoeist, but never seen with the eye of those who have "different intentions."
That afternoon I was alone.
After having lunch with other paddlers, I start on the paths that lead to panoramic view of the waterfall. It was strange
along those paths. I felt a certain emotion, as if I were sure of not being able to go back to the free choice to do so or not do it. Down the road in the belief that I would see that the return path through the eyes of those who passaggione back on a long awaited and finally passed. The excitement increased with the approach of the noise. I kept convincing myself that I was just "browsing", which was one of the many times I went there, he was not told that they could do. But, honestly, I felt like kidnapped. As if I was not then free to express an objective opinion. It 'clear that I expressed then. The intention has never been and never will be, to play Russian roulette, but I do not know, I was somehow "forced". I was so far as to go back, to have the excuse to tell myself not to express an opinion without a component evaluation. Meanwhile
think of this, I find myself in front of the jumps. This time was different. But the significance of that difference was not in their physical form, it was in me. I had never seen with the idea to want to do in a canoe. Compared to many passaggioni that there are around, call them completely "normal", but they accounted for more than that to me. They saw me grow. Since my parents took me as a child to see the waterfall, when I began this wonderful experience of living through the world of the canoe, when, ripe canoeist, watching them at that moment, with respect and with a bit of fear watching in the eye. Yeah, now we were looking in my eyes. Their look was decided, mysterious, maybe aggressive. Mine was intimidated. But I knew that fear came from the right dose of humility that has a canoeist mature. Was not by leaps. My fear, which resulted in the rather curious.
I followed the path through the steps that follow the jump. Li, I began a careful technical analysis and freed the mind from all the feelings that relate to the human. Currency
the water lines, the possible ways for addressing the jump. Evaluate the receiving basin, its movements, the conformation of the banks, the points of safe and what might happen if something goes wrong. I was immersed in this discussion for about fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, it rained. Obviously, by good paddler, I had no umbrella. I was totally soaked. The shoulder was hurting and decided to return.
arrived by car, seized with a fit of outing, I did not hesitate to call at Mauritius Beccafichi describing what I had seen and analyzed.
Needless to say, I found fertile ground. It was as if we had made.
During the week, Mauritius, as He has really taken seriously, he went to inspect it, and finally became convinced of what we already knew for sure now: you do!
Galeotta however, was my shoulder. A week later I found myself on a beautiful bed with an arthroscope surgery I ravanare tendons and forced me to sit still for the next three months.
You can imagine the other hand, with My greatest pleasure, what did the boys.
The biggest jump was exceeded for the first time in Mauritius Beccafichi early July 2008 which was followed by other paddlers. The leap was the lowest but done for the first time by Charles Sbrenna.
Here I come to today. Away from the memory operation, and after making beautiful canoe trips during this 2009 Sunday, August 30, I decided that the time has come for me.
I say to Charles the night before. Supports me and we will too. For him it is the second time.
We are very early Sunday morning near the jump, when the waterfall is still closed. Yes, because if you pick the staff of the waterfall, you smash the ball and prevents you to go canoeing. Aware of this, early in the morning we take the canoe up for not having any problems after the entrance.
final sound the siren of the opening. The water will come in about half an hour. The time of change and organize the secure group.
arrive before the jump. This time the path I have not even seen. I was too focused to think of something else.
Place and secure the bridge before the first jump, the crowd of curious tourists. Start at the first flash.
Charles and I go up at the gate. With the harness there caliamo down about 5-6 feet deep in the canyon upstream of the jump.
The jump is now in full swing. At its height about 12-13 meters of water falls with a roar of all respect. The basin presents no particular problems. E 'deep, the water is oxygenated and there are strong returns. The real problem is not going to the left. The water falls at the bottom of a wall that could create serious problems if you are against it. Another aspect to be reckoned with is a small niche on the right side that takes you sure the water in the basin. Therefore, fast and safe in the event of Eskimo they will recover in the event of a bathroom. Niche in part, is likely to go down and get the jump well after soaking. And this is not good thing.
ready to leave there to play the odd and even. I win. Well, it's a sign. After a year of waiting is the least we could wish for. I
boarding in the balance being careful not to slip down. The water pulls a vengeance.
All ok, apart from the whistle.
I cut it from the shore. I see afar the threshold of the jump. I take a reference and do not give up more with his eyes. The water is more rapid than I expected. The shallow takes you to rub, but excessive speed. Water tends to turn over the canoe and get across. So the risk of jumping from the side. It would not be nice. I get by with a right rudder to straighten the boat and step at the point where I wanted. The boat comes off, the position is correct: I'm flying.
I see the bowl fast approaching. Within the basin, and feel a tremendous impact on the chest. Everything ok. I flip and I come off the paddle from the right hand.
Quickly grab the shovel, the eskimo roll and I'm leaning on his right side on the shore where there is a niche.
I passed! I made the leap that I saw when I was a kid! I'm here. It's me.
Great enthusiasm of the crowd of friends. Beautiful, is just a schioppone, I've heard. I too am convinced.
But now it's Charles. Part
the whistle. I see it. It 's too sideways. He, too, the water is running. I see that does not control, rather, controls it. The experience helped him to consider that at that point, the movement was more just to support and not oppose the rotation. With a perfectly placed shot is back, closes in on and make the jump to the opposite position of the hull but perfect. Log into the basin of the queue. Disappears completely upside down and re-emerges. Eskimo fast. He too is out. All hail. The flashes are wasted. Bello. What good times intense. After a few bars
goliardic to download the adrenaline, we are ready to face the second jump. Trans
bridge where tourists are crowded, and we head to the scouting of the second jump.
This is about something different. Lower. Let's say about 6-7 meters. The basin presents no particular problems. Single point of attention is a rock outcropping to the left bank, but it's hard to go there. Even for this jump is the references to the previous water pulls fast. Must slide on a slide, not too outstanding, about 20 meters before taking the leap. E 'but easier to control the canoe.
Place the safe and go for the first time Carlo. I think rightly so.
Party, takes a lot to the right, in my opinion too, but it goes perfect.
part I, I am more in the center. On the right is a tooth that I do not like. I prefer the middle path. Cut perfect, but when I touch the bowl upside down on the right side. As if I had touched something. I do not feel, however, no shot. Shooting the Eskimo, and I'm out.
It 's done. The two jumps have been exceeded.
I am now writing what has been a big deal for me. His greatness lies in having made the jump. Frankly, in these twenty years of canoeing, we have made things much more challenging. His greatness lies in the emotion they have for that place. Place where I learned to run. Place where I started dreaming about the adventures of my life.
Many thanks to all those who have allowed me to live this wonderful experience.
Sergio, Paul, Matt for sure. Lucio for the video-photographic reportage. Charles, canoeist and longtime friend with whom I shared I agree and I will share the excitement of canoeing.
movies as they become available we will publish them.

Greetings to all.

Feel you Free!

Mario Adolini
you Feel Free Kayak School Kayak Team Liquid
http://liquidokayakteam.blogspot . com /

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Buy Zydot Shampoo In Austin Texas

Liquid Kayak Team that buzz!

Here we are back from a wonderful kayak tour in Austria.
This year the water was more abundant, sometimes even too much, but we assure you that the fun was MASTER.
With some levels this year rivers were more challenging than expected, especially the Venter Ache Pitzbach and in no way joking. Coming down from those RapidOne (the Venter Ache looked like a river of Nepal!) At that speed, however, was a blast. The rivers descended
- Venter Ache: Class V
- Gorge Brandemberger Ache: Class IV
- Melaci: Class IV-V
- Pitzbach (two times. Second time boarding party altissima): Class V
- Trisanna ( top): Class IV
- Sanna: Class III-IV
- Inn: Giarsun gorges and Ardez (Switzerland Engadine): Class IV-V (VI)
- Oetz: Class III-IV

The only regret is to have seen the Trisanna and Sanna in the area Landek literally defaced by the cement and in some places dangerous owing to the presence of rebar protruding. On Trisanna we found ourselves on a beautiful curve in Quarton and fast powerful beams and rods scattered 'anywhere and we guarantee you it was fun, indeed, literally shit my ass (please forgive the colorful metaphor). It would seem that in recent years there has been a flood that devastated the area and since then the river banks were reconstructed with uncontrolled development at full blast. Too bad I do not think longer worthwhile to go there. Note
be of particular value to the group that has worked great in both the river and out. Panzetta dinners every night, wine and begins to desire. The "president" Beccafichi, as usual, has dabbled in the preparation of special dishes worthy of five stars in the universe of flavors, organization of education and training which he is Rector Illustrious (IR, as the brand of clothing for kayaking ). The "Mimmo" woman of Mimmi, in continuous training with the English teacher Zi 'Natasha. We do not know who they are the faults or merits, but at the end of the holiday Mimma had learned to say only Mushroom (mushroom)! Yes, because everything comes from the rapid Porcino Pitzbach. In short, we were on level with Pitzbach amazing. During a scouting on a beautiful Quinton, President seen through the foliage that has a mushroom made a pounds. At that point, scouting the rapid with the pig in his hand and would not let go: - I carry it in my canoe -, - but that old. Here printed beneath a helmet. If you destroy - - Inguattamolo here, I come to recover after -. So it was, and in the evening pasta with porcini well prepared dall'Illustrissimo Rector (IR).
nice vacation, nice ride, canoe beautiful, beautiful friends.
Participants: Fabio Handhelds, Patrik Consalvo, Michele Rinaldi, Maurizio Beccafichi, Mario Adolini, Sbrenna Carlo (Carlo, GZ Team).
soon and other 1000000000000000000000000 trip like this.

you Feel Free kayak school

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How To Expand Internal Usb Connectors


On July 9, 2009, the Senate approved in the final bill "Measures for the development and internationalization of enterprises, and on energy."
The law, being published in the Official Gazette, affects the electricity sector a wide spectrum, from the possibility of building nuclear power plants in Italy.
In the following we point out some innovations that emerge from the folds of the law.


Article 27, paragraph 45
Under the net metering, electricity produced and fed into the grid is remunerated on a financial market conditions (including the excess energy that exchanged).

NB: You may become more affordable over-sizing the PV system compared to the energy needs of the user.

Article 27, paragraphs 4 and 5
Municipalities up to 20,000 residents can use the service of net metering for facilities (< 200 kW) di cui sono proprietari senza tenere conto dell’obbligo di coincidenza tra il punto di immissione e il punto di prelievo dell’energia scambiata con la rete fermo restando il pagamento degli oneri di rete.
This applies also to the Ministry of Defence for power plants> 200 kW.

NB: in this way, the "net metering" evolve towards the "exchange elsewhere ...!

Article 27, paragraph 21
Municipalities (regardless of number of residents) may designate areas belonging to its heritage to the installation to deliver in "tariff" and of "exchange on the spot "of electricity, to be sold to private citizens seeking access to incentives in" tariff "and sign contracts for energy exchange with the network operator.

Authority and GSE

Article 28 and 30, paragraph 25
The Authority for Electricity and Gas has been extended to all activities concerning the supply chain.
The Authority will establish when and how to replace old gas meters with new electronic meters suitable for remote reading and remote management. Article 30

GSE, among other tasks, also assumes the management of the market economy natural gas. Power lines

Article 27, paragraph 24, paragraph d) of power lines
Managers benefit from simplified procedures to perform maintenance or "minor" modifications to existing power lines.


'was published in the OJ Decree-Law 150 of 07/01/2009 1 July 2009, No 78 "Anti-crisis measures, as well as' extension of the time and the Italian participation in international missions."

Article. 23, paragraph 9, the deadline extension to 31/12/2010 to complete the adjustment to the fire prevention provisions of the tourist and hotel accommodation with over 25 beds existing at the date of entry into force of the DM 04/09/1994.
The extension also applies to tourist accommodation for which they are submitted within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the Law Decree, the provincial command of firefighters responsible for the area, the proposed adjustment for the acquisition of the opinion compliance as provided by MD 37/98.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bearded Dragon Cure Inner Ear Infection

course you Feel Free canoe freestyle rodeo clinic - Advanced Edition July 2009

The course canoe freestyle is taking place these days, organized by you Feel Free kayak school, gave us all the opportunity to discover two authentic rodeo promises of central Italy.

These are two young players, Matthew Paul Bello Tofanelli of Terni and Rome, respectively 13 and 14 years. Wake up, ready, technically prepared. Over the first instinctive, more reflective the second, but both have speed and great capacity for adaptation, valuable skills to create the right context in learning a discipline so articulate and a variety of models which is precisely the freestyle.
From the first introduction to the theoretical part of the course, they felt their interests freestyle with terminology, knowledge of hydrodynamics and knowledge of the figures, well-argued by two young students. The progression in
has allowed both to build on their technical skills and demonstrate the second day, in the commercial the Magliano Sabina River Tiber with the level of respect, progress in sensitivity and control of the hull.
Both have learned that, in addition to the ultimate goal of being able to perform the most spectacular figures, one must be able first, to move the boat in the way we wanted and only then, able to manage risks by adapting the rapidly growing movements to the variations that occur from time to time.
The freestyle is in fact a discipline where the feedback loop is carried to the extreme. Through a series of perceptions and went back to refine more and more movement, until the completion of the long-awaited figure we wanted through hard work and dedication. That figure, the schema, provide the basis for beginning a new cycle of feedback and this sequence will repeat indefinitely. But who are our
Come in alphabetical order.

Tofanelli Matthew, 13, 45 kilograms of Terni, oriented technical studies. Attend the first year of farming in the month of September. Matthew has been training with a Jackson Fun 1 ½. He started canoeing at the age 11. It was approached in a more serious discipline of freestyle in the last two years. He enjoys being with friends, surfing the internet in search of the most spectacular freestyle and would make a great Ranger. Matthew has developed a thesis for examination by the school entitled "The River - into history, space, sports." With great pleasure, we have permission from Matthew and father Lucius, to publish his essay on the school website. The thesis is available in the Publications section, at

Paul Bello, 14 years old, 65 kilograms of Rome, oriented to classical studies. Attend the first year of grammar school in the month of September. Paul Jackson has been training with a Star (which he says begins to keep up small). He started canoeing at the age of 10 years. He, too, approached in a more serious discipline of freestyle in the last two years. Its objectives are canoeing more than refine the techniques of freestyle and dexterity on the downhills.

We wish Matthew and Paul much satisfaction and many successes especially canoeing and we hope that in life and in sport you can always feel free!

Mario Adolini
you Feel Free kayaks scool

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Find Fluff Momma Boots

LIQUID Night Fever

Saturday evening July 11, 2009, "Liquid Night Fever" .

video projection Canoe Rafting Center at the headquarters of "The Marmore" Marmore Falls - Terni.

Dinner with roast pork, cheese, salami, wine will cheer and many friends, partying with a vengeance!
We wait.

"Liquid Night Fever" is an event organized by

The event is made possible thanks to colloaborazione of

Rafting Center Marmore

Hic Sunt Kayak

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Minka And Tiffany Towers

Italy Cup circuit during the high Pyrenees

This year we have now come to the much-anticipated Cup high over Italy. The best Italian canoeists who honestly confront the various fields (or more rivers) to race around Italy. This year, the circuit includes five tests:
  • Tagliamento: April 18 to 19
  • Sermenza: May 23 to 24
  • Toce: July 18 to 19
  • Aurino: September 5 to 6
  • Black: October 31

so far have played the first two tests.

The Tagliamento, great race sull'esplosività all concentrated in a course of about a minute. Alpin Action impeccable organization with an excellent dinner and fine festoon end late at night (the next day we were literally sfranti!). Do not forget the wonderful location of the gorges of the Tagliamento downstream stretch of the race came down in about two hours with some friends canoeists. Real treat to the above expectations with difficulty 4 ° -5 ° -5 +. Entertainment! But that kills cold (snowing)! The

Sermenza, due to excessive levels, the organization has proposed moving the location on the stretch of Sesia Balmuccia starting at the pond landing tract Sermenza race. Proposal accepted unanimously by all participants. The race, organized neatly, took place in complete safety, a distance of about five minutes putting a strain on the resilience of lactic acid in athletes. Lots of fun and many friends. It is worthwhile dimension to the wonderful day on Saturday, thanks to generous levels too, has involved several canoeists on the river Sermenzino. Real water, sun, ideal mates down, what about ... more does not exist!

soon for the third event on the Toce.

good workout for everyone. We are the river!

Mario Adolini

you Feel Free kayak school

photos: Click

here to see photos of the second test on the river Sesia.

Rankings: CoppaItaliaKayak

Saturday, April 25, 2009

End Of Ski Season Aspen


directly from the internet on the ship for Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe write this wonderful canoe trip that we hope will begin as soon as possible. I would say that is already great!
20.00 pm on Friday 24 / 4 event at the port of Civitavecchia. Crew: 2 / 2 and five people. Camper Fabietto of Rieti, super technician, equipped with everything (we also have a spare boat tied on the roof - by the way, we hope that will not serve! -) In which they live for the next eight days: Fabietto, John (better known as Bao Gio), Patrik. Feel Free Car
you with Vincenzo (Ditone) and Mario (ZIMAR).
Upon arriving at the port, great party and got drunk in a camper. We go to make the tickets and the girl I sgam undocumented. Shit, I forgot me! And now? ... I'm sorry the gentleman can not start. E'èèèèèèèèèèèèèè, but that old printer to talk? Already I think the hold, perhaps tied under apnea but I have to leave! Now phone to my wife (better known internationally as SANTA Natasha). Ore 20.30: Born to, run, take me er passport ! I'm in my pajamas I do? No, leave me in pajamas and bring a passport er! ... Oh well.
Forty minutes later in the night with its little Twingo in 150 per hour. I call: I see you're on the straight. Stop them. Through the lane type highway at 200 per hour. I'll give you a kiss (the kiss of salvation), I take my passport and ticket to sketch the speedy gonzales. The girl sees me, recognizes me see your passport and incredulous. But how did he do? A Zia ... SANTA is Natasha. Who? Let's you know that. Famme'm BIJETTO! Here I am. On the ship with the others. We hope for so much water in rivers and beautiful.
If we write, we'll tell our adventures.
soon and always Feel you Free!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kelty Tent. Model 89034

the river for all, all for the River

Watch poster of the event

Sunday, May 10, 2009 "The River for all and all for the River!" is an event for both the paddlers, and those who have never had the luck to meet this extraordinary world of sports and nature.

The event is organized with the collaboration of: you Feel Free kayak school, Gymkayak canoe shop in Rome, Terni Group canoes, Old Rafting Marmore and will take place in Nerina in the Nera River valley in the upstream and downstream of Niagara Falls

The meaning of this day is to bring new people in the world of the river in full compliance with safety standards so that they can appreciate the wonders of the river always carefully guarded by

But not only for canoeists is an opportunity to participate in a three-hour lesson completely free with masters of the Italian Federation of Canoeing Canoeing provided by the school you Feel Free kayaks school.

In addition, anyone who wants it, you can go down the stretch downstream of the cascade of Marmora with the guidance of experienced paddlers ( staff made available from the school you Feel Free Kayak School reserves the right to verify the suitability of canoeists to take part in the downhill stretch of Black River Falls downstream )

For those who do not take part in canoeing, there are downhill rafting on the stretch of the river Nera Ferentillo-Arrochar (class I-II) upstream of the falls and rafting on the stretch of the Black River downstream of Falls (Class IV +)

For the special occasion, to those who want to try the descent rafting in the downstream section of the Falls, the Center Rafting Marmore apply a discounted rate of Euro 5.00 upon presentation of vouchers You Feel Free . The voucher will be collected at the Canoe Centre Arrochar in the morning, at the time of the event and presented to the desk of the Centre rafting Marmore The enrollment.

For those preferring to remain "dry" you can rent canoes at the Centre Arrochar mountain bikes and / or take part in guided tours on the trails of the Val Nerina

And what's more, lunch for participants with ham , broad beans and pecorino cheese! (Rate ultra popular!)

the river for all, all for the River!


9.30 : appointment at the Center Canoe Arrone (road of the Val Nerina about 5 minutes from the Falls Marmore direction Norcia)
10:30 am: start of activities
  • formation of the group for a lesson in canoeing than three hours (depending on the average technical level of the group lesson can be organized: Arrone on a stretch of the Black River level I ; down the stretch of the river Nera Ferentillo Arrone-I-II degree, in a section of the Black in the downstream section of the Falls of III-IV +)

  • rafting tract Ferentillo-Arrone

  • rafting in the downstream section of the Falls

  • canoeing free

  • mountain biking
13.30 : Lunch with ham, beans and pecorino cheese at the Canoe Centre Arrochar

15.30 : formation of the group for a free guided canoe down the stretch downstream of the Falls

For more information, please contact the number 3357493414 or write an e-mail by going to
The downhill leg of the tour of Black River Falls downstream assistance is guaranteed by the professionalism of the canoeists:

Do not forget, we are waiting for you!

soon at River

Moments event. What a nice party!

Friday, April 10, 2009

How To Calculate The Annealing Temperature

Rated the favorite river canoe expedition in 2009

Express your preference on a river by canoe at the time. This help the less experienced paddlers to navigate more safely and provide food for thought to those who know the river for some time.
To vote in the blog scroll down until you see the grill marks on the right.
You can see the discussion of canoes from the stream and leave your comments by clicking here

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where Can You Make Custom Football Helmet Design

Colombia: Colombia we are back in Italy

Tanta canoeing and many friends.
We knew the least commercial of Colombia where there are wild places and wild. It 'was hard, with many traveling by bus to travel up to twenty-three hours with canoes and gear in tow.
The dense network of contacts with friends and operators of the site in the future we will organize another trip to the country of El Dorado. Li, there are still many unexplored rivers. In Colombia there is still much to discover.
Satisfied but now with a touch of melancholy. Photos of the trip on

Kayaking Colombia

Pura vida and you always Feel Free
