Full Immersion Course Safety river - Session 2009 Jumps
part of the calendar of 2009 School
you Feel Free kayaks school is organized in collaboration with the Centre rafting The Marmore the 17-18 October 2009 a river safety course immersion period of two days (one weekend) designed specifically for those engaged in river canoeing.
The course has dual capability of re-train for those who have already participated in previous sessions of 2008 (8-9 March 2008 and November 8, 2008) and first-train for those who participate for the first time. The
stake in re-train is equal to 50% of the first-train.
The goal is to provide practical technical skills relating to safety aspects that most interest canoeists. What are the techniques most appropriate to recover the man remained in the river or on the other side? What should I do if the joint of the foot? How to create a vertical recovery? What are the tackles more appropriate to multiply the pulling force to intervene in various situations and how they perform? How to create a harness for rappelling and abseiling as you descend? What equipment is "minimal" to always wear down during a canoe? What are they and how to implement the various techniques of intervention? What is the function of the leader? These and other important topics will be covered during the course moments through theoretical lectures and practical exercises in the water. We will also describe the various facilities provided in the security and conditions for their optimal use. The course will also be an important moment of cultural exchange, where the participants can make their contribution through their river experience. In this context, it is possible that this course might be developed new techniques of intervention or made improvements to existing ones. The course contents have been developed by Umberto Galli, professor of the course guide and helper river rafting with professional qualification Rescue 3 advanced paddler and river since 1994, Mario Adolini, teacher since 1994, and river canoeing canoeist FICK river since 1989.
Detailed program is available in Section Publications (Publication No. 2) at http://www.kayakfeelyoufree.it/special.html
Each participant will be provided with clothing of good quality practice river (shoes, suit, shirt thermal, water jacket, preferably waterproof, splash guards, lifeguards from the stream and sink fitted with harness, helmet), cow tail (cord recovery-type cow's tail "), whistle , knife, four hooks, three of which ring closure, a pulley, a tubular webbing (Ribbon rock) of the length of four feet, two Prusik cords, bag launch, canoe creek, paddle. For those who want it you can rent clothing (shoes, suit, jacket water, lifejacket, helmet).
To register must notify your attendance through the references listed at http://www.kayakfeelyoufree.it/contatti.html or call 3357493414 by October 9, 2009.
Participants will enjoy the changing rooms, lockers and showers. The course will take place on the Black River to the waterfall Marmore where, thanks to the release of Galleto agreed with the panel, you can practice is the classic stretch downstream of the waterfall which can be simulated by typical upper course work, both in the central section below Galleto where recovery action can be simulated in the presence of high volume flow.
The course will be confirmed to achieve the minimum number of six participants.
Further information can be obtained at http://www.kayakfeelyoufree.it/contatti.html or the number 3357493414.
Only through continued research to improve you can increase your technical level and to give themselves and other high security standards.
you Feel Free Kayak school
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