Soca, thoughts of a canoeist
The road runs fast and the line passing lights intermittently shrouded by the darkness of night. Background music envelops the silence of the journey, making it even more muffled. The eyelids are tired and your hands are now on the steering wheel of your support to hold onto. My friend Vince is the half-sleep, almost feeling guilty for not leaving me alone at the helm for some time now. How many times have I seen this scene. It 's like an old movie dvd jealously preserved among the favorites that from time to time to see you again. I know the story, the characters, the jokes, but every time I seem to experience new emotions. The thoughts fly away. Are already in river. I think the most correct line to follow, I think of the phrases that you exchange with your fellow descent through a passage to another. We are now arrived. Once again, after having traveled all night, sleeping in a car or tent. Vincent with a grunt of disapproval, mixed with happiness tells me he wants to settle quickly. The air is fresh, the sound of the river dominates the night.
I could tell both spent last weekend in Slovenia. I could tell of the river, dinners with friends, heartfelt speeches on the equipment until late at night. But I stop here and let you imagine it as you like. Because that is what took place this weekend. In the most beautiful way imaginable.
The years pass, you become great, some may think that you do the same things, but thanks to the canoe, strangely nothing is repeated.
soon at River
Mario Adolini
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