directly from the internet on the ship for Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe write this wonderful canoe trip that we hope will begin as soon as possible. I would say that is already great!
20.00 pm on Friday 24 / 4 event at the port of Civitavecchia. Crew: 2 / 2 and five people. Camper Fabietto of Rieti, super technician, equipped with everything (we also have a spare boat tied on the roof - by the way, we hope that will not serve! -) In which they live for the next eight days: Fabietto, John (better known as Bao Gio), Patrik. Feel Free Car
you with Vincenzo (Ditone) and Mario (ZIMAR).
Upon arriving at the port, great party and got drunk in a camper. We go to make the tickets and the girl I sgam undocumented. Shit, I forgot me! And now? ... I'm sorry the gentleman can not start. E'èèèèèèèèèèèèèè, but that old printer to talk? Already I think the hold, perhaps tied under apnea but I have to leave! Now phone to my wife (better known internationally as SANTA Natasha). Ore 20.30: Born to, run, take me er passport ! I'm in my pajamas I do? No, leave me in pajamas and bring a passport er! ... Oh well.
Forty minutes later in the night with its little Twingo in 150 per hour. I call: I see you're on the straight. Stop them. Through the lane type highway at 200 per hour. I'll give you a kiss (the kiss of salvation), I take my passport and ticket to sketch the speedy gonzales. The girl sees me, recognizes me see your passport and incredulous. But how did he do? A Zia ... SANTA is Natasha. Who? Let's you know that. Famme'm BIJETTO! Here I am. On the ship with the others. We hope for so much water in rivers and beautiful.
If we write, we'll tell our adventures.
soon and always Feel you Free!
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