Since Valentine's Day and 'fortunately fell on my day off (Monday'), I thought well after lunch to return to my home and put me to prepare dinner for a nice pan of lasagna because I know Stefano like that much and that it 'always happy to eat them because he does not ever do it even when he goes to his parents.
After completion of the cooking I let the pan cool before you place it in a bag take it from Stephen. Dishes like this are usually prepare a bit before serving, 'cause in the case of lasagne to esmpio, more compact and tasty and when served immediately after cooking is too mushy. In addition, a secret 'to dice the mozzarella stuffed with which each layer and leave it for a bit to lose in a dish with cooking otherwise the serum might "water down" the pasta ... but 'nuff said here as it appeared at the end of cooking:
After tidying the kitchen, I spent a bit of me with a nice hot bath with a lot of shaving foam and a total (but not the body face: D). I have changed and I started to Stefano managed to get home before him ehehe.
have prepared, baked lasagna at a low temperature (about 60-80 degrees) just to keep warm and I expected to arrive ^ _ ^
As throughout the year I always make some little thought, this time I done something more economical and incredibly this year he showed me a Gift for Valentine's Day / anniversary. Our gifts have been made of cazzatine but with the heart and to me personally 'liked her so much:) I
I gave him a peanut fixed to a pedestal with a spring inside that makes it move if you touch and with a kind of antenna with small springs for set of cards. I made a note in the shape of the heart where I wrote a message and then I covered the heart with an adhesive film so that you do not ruin it with the passage of time (unfortunately the photo of the heart is not 'coming clear ... cmq c 'and wrote: " Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Anniversary. Without you my love I'd be lost! ).
Stefano instead gave me a wonderful toy! and 'morbidosissimo and has a nose and eyes too sweet ^.
^ Of course I immediately renamed Stellino:)
After dinner we went to the cinema to see Burlesque! Stephen was a bit contrary, and after he knew it was a movie, "Music" have begun to save him the sweats and do the complaining, but once over the screening told me that he liked a lot, especially the songs:)
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