Feduzi Emanuel, in his presentation speech, in addition to be satisfied with the renewed agreement, outlined in a quick but intense and meaningful, guidelines and program he intends to implement with the help and support competent each part able to give.
Participation then. And 'this one of the prerogatives of the entire team. While it is true the prosecution once the current administration not to share the nationality of important decisions, See the website for the courier station, the stairs Don Minzoni, the reluctance to dialectical et cetera ... what the center should instead give fermignanese now the population is a clear rationale to feel part of the territory in its entirety to share in making important decisions , starting with a participatory budgeting to achieve a vision of a country, including town planning lies on eco-friendly intentions and that it is more and more human scale. The man and his needs then on the political agenda. The man and the common good before private interests and particular.
well-wishing well was the intervention of the mayor of Urbania Giuseppe Lucarini the index that has focused on future cooperation that can exist between these towns lying on the High Valley Metauro and will face a difficult future due to an economic crisis, always unspoken by the Berlusconi government, but which also begins in our sites to show his face dramatic, beginning with the employment aspect.
Feduzi We are confident that Emma will know how to interpret these intentions and give back the lost unity, that sense of mistaken identity even in the face of pseudo-self-centered that have ridden the wave of globalization, translating it to their own use.
From this blog, we make best wishes to Emma, \u200b\u200band with him the entire center fermignanese . May the force be with us.
Mirco Marchetti
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