Notice is hereby given that the 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b Fermoy, who worked in 2009 uniting in the name of a summary Left Fermignano ( IDV-SEL- GREEN-free citizens left ) remaining faithful to the pact signed in August with the Allied forces and those forces which committed to seek in them a name expendable to the candidacy of the mayor, then move to share with other forces, in September decided to vote (80%) inside Arpo Angels , currently a director and minority leader of the council Union for Fermoy.
E 'then Arpo Angels the figure of reference for the entire Left Fermignano as a candidate for Mayor and thus also of the' Italy of Values \u200b\u200b.
Councillor Arpo Angels has proven over time, commitment, professionalism and dedication to their country.
Mirco Marchetti
Secretary IDV-Fermignano
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