Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Who's Afraid of the primaries? The primary

In reference to the article published today on "The Messenger Pesaro ,

the 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b Fermignano , as a component training " Left Fermignano " feels compelled to make some clarifications:
In pact signed and quoted in the article in question, in paragraph 4) it comes to confrontation between the parties , once each party has chosen its candidate, but not citing procedural practices to be adopted . It refers instead to the point 3) signed the pact, the reference to a new political phase , and what better occasion to show that a discontinuity with the past, but to listen to the people directly through democratic consultation that you call them involved in choosing the candidate for mayor? On the other hand, the decision to steal the coveted "secret rooms" to bring it into the square, is not to give substance to such suffixes, freedom and democracy that now adorn many parties? Are they not, the primaries for the note, the main tool which has the Democratic Party? And the appeal to them as it might seem to be the impediment to achieving of a coalition agreement?

The position of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bFermignano second strength of the center, so it is simple and straightforward. candidate who will support you Arpo Angels, we'll compare with other names and argue our choice, if you come to an agreement among the forces well, otherwise have no fear of calling people in person by recalling that the primary democracy means "people's government" not "the people" .

Mirco Marchetti
Secretary Italy of Values \u200b\u200b- Fermignano


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