Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Hang Christmas Garlands

Special elections: Stand by

Dear Sir, we are still stuck at point 4 of the charter of intent and waiting for someone to melt the reserves and we deserve a few response. Meanwhile, the municipal administration, as you well know, has informed us that the "place of the violets" will be blended with brain-damaged residence located in San Silvestro and renamed "Casa del Sole". The minority, of course, has not been made partaker of nothing but a decision has been communicated elsewhere, to highlight this in a procedural manual for this administration and that is taken out every spirit of collegiality. The rest, in the case, is by itself.

Personally I declared detrimental to the movement of the "Best of the violets," and in this regard, personally, have signed the petition of the association ANFFAS Fermoy.


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