directly from the internet on the ship for Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe write this wonderful canoe trip that we hope will begin as soon as possible. I would say that is already great!
20.00 pm on Friday 24 / 4 event at the port of Civitavecchia. Crew: 2 / 2 and five people. Camper Fabietto of Rieti, super technician, equipped with everything (we also have a spare boat tied on the roof - by the way, we hope that will not serve! -) In which they live for the next eight days: Fabietto, John (better known as Bao Gio), Patrik. Feel Free Car
you with Vincenzo (Ditone) and Mario (ZIMAR).
Upon arriving at the port, great party and got drunk in a camper. We go to make the tickets and the girl I sgam undocumented. Shit, I forgot me! And now? ... I'm sorry the gentleman can not start. E'èèèèèèèèèèèèèè, but that old printer to talk? Already I think the hold, perhaps tied under apnea but I have to leave! Now phone to my wife (better known internationally as SANTA Natasha). Ore 20.30: Born to, run, take me er passport ! I'm in my pajamas I do? No, leave me in pajamas and bring a passport er! ... Oh well.
Forty minutes later in the night with its little Twingo in 150 per hour. I call: I see you're on the straight. Stop them. Through the lane type highway at 200 per hour. I'll give you a kiss (the kiss of salvation), I take my passport and ticket to sketch the speedy gonzales. The girl sees me, recognizes me see your passport and incredulous. But how did he do? A Zia ... SANTA is Natasha. Who? Let's you know that. Famme'm BIJETTO! Here I am. On the ship with the others. We hope for so much water in rivers and beautiful.
If we write, we'll tell our adventures.
soon and always Feel you Free!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Kelty Tent. Model 89034
the river for all, all for the River
Watch poster of the event
Sunday, May 10, 2009 "The River for all and all for the River!" is an event for both the paddlers, and those who have never had the luck to meet this extraordinary world of sports and nature.
The event is organized with the collaboration of: you Feel Free kayak school, Gymkayak canoe shop in Rome, Terni Group canoes, Old Rafting Marmore and will take place in Nerina in the Nera River valley in the upstream and downstream of Niagara Falls
The meaning of this day is to bring new people in the world of the river in full compliance with safety standards so that they can appreciate the wonders of the river always carefully guarded by
But not only for canoeists is an opportunity to participate in a three-hour lesson completely free with masters of the Italian Federation of Canoeing Canoeing provided by the school you Feel Free kayaks school.
In addition, anyone who wants it, you can go down the stretch downstream of the cascade of Marmora with the guidance of experienced paddlers ( staff made available from the school you Feel Free Kayak School reserves the right to verify the suitability of canoeists to take part in the downhill stretch of Black River Falls downstream )
For those who do not take part in canoeing, there are downhill rafting on the stretch of the river Nera Ferentillo-Arrochar (class I-II) upstream of the falls and rafting on the stretch of the Black River downstream of Falls (Class IV +)
For the special occasion, to those who want to try the descent rafting in the downstream section of the Falls, the Center Rafting Marmore apply a discounted rate of Euro 5.00 upon presentation of vouchers You Feel Free . The voucher will be collected at the Canoe Centre Arrochar in the morning, at the time of the event and presented to the desk of the Centre rafting Marmore The enrollment.
For those preferring to remain "dry" you can rent canoes at the Centre Arrochar mountain bikes and / or take part in guided tours on the trails of the Val Nerina
15.30 : formation of the group for a free guided canoe down the stretch downstream of the Falls
For more information, please contact the number 3357493414 or write an e-mail by going to http://www.kayakfeelyoufree.it/contatti.html
Sunday, May 10, 2009 "The River for all and all for the River!" is an event for both the paddlers, and those who have never had the luck to meet this extraordinary world of sports and nature.
The event is organized with the collaboration of: you Feel Free kayak school, Gymkayak canoe shop in Rome, Terni Group canoes, Old Rafting Marmore and will take place in Nerina in the Nera River valley in the upstream and downstream of Niagara Falls
The meaning of this day is to bring new people in the world of the river in full compliance with safety standards so that they can appreciate the wonders of the river always carefully guarded by
But not only for canoeists is an opportunity to participate in a three-hour lesson completely free with masters of the Italian Federation of Canoeing Canoeing provided by the school you Feel Free kayaks school.
In addition, anyone who wants it, you can go down the stretch downstream of the cascade of Marmora with the guidance of experienced paddlers ( staff made available from the school you Feel Free Kayak School reserves the right to verify the suitability of canoeists to take part in the downhill stretch of Black River Falls downstream )
For those who do not take part in canoeing, there are downhill rafting on the stretch of the river Nera Ferentillo-Arrochar (class I-II) upstream of the falls and rafting on the stretch of the Black River downstream of Falls (Class IV +)
For the special occasion, to those who want to try the descent rafting in the downstream section of the Falls, the Center Rafting Marmore apply a discounted rate of Euro 5.00 upon presentation of vouchers You Feel Free . The voucher will be collected at the Canoe Centre Arrochar in the morning, at the time of the event and presented to the desk of the Centre rafting Marmore The enrollment.
For those preferring to remain "dry" you can rent canoes at the Centre Arrochar mountain bikes and / or take part in guided tours on the trails of the Val Nerina
And what's more, lunch for participants with ham , broad beans and pecorino cheese! (Rate ultra popular!)
the river for all, all for the River!
the river for all, all for the River!
9.30 : appointment at the Center Canoe Arrone (road of the Val Nerina about 5 minutes from the Falls Marmore direction Norcia)
10:30 am: start of activities
- formation of the group for a lesson in canoeing than three hours (depending on the average technical level of the group lesson can be organized: Arrone on a stretch of the Black River level I ; down the stretch of the river Nera Ferentillo Arrone-I-II degree, in a section of the Black in the downstream section of the Falls of III-IV +)
- rafting tract Ferentillo-Arrone
- rafting in the downstream section of the Falls
- canoeing free
- mountain biking
15.30 : formation of the group for a free guided canoe down the stretch downstream of the Falls
For more information, please contact the number 3357493414 or write an e-mail by going to http://www.kayakfeelyoufree.it/contatti.html
The downhill leg of the tour of Black River Falls downstream assistance is guaranteed by the professionalism of the canoeists:

Do not forget, we are waiting for you!
soon at River

Moments event. What a nice party!

Friday, April 10, 2009
How To Calculate The Annealing Temperature
Rated the favorite river canoe expedition in 2009
Express your preference on a river by canoe at the time. This help the less experienced paddlers to navigate more safely and provide food for thought to those who know the river for some time.
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You can see the discussion of canoes from the stream and leave your comments by clicking here
Express your preference on a river by canoe at the time. This help the less experienced paddlers to navigate more safely and provide food for thought to those who know the river for some time.
To vote in the blog scroll down until you see the grill marks on the right.
You can see the discussion of canoes from the stream and leave your comments by clicking here
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