Monday, October 19, 2009

Bigger Than Boat Register Ontario

Laboratory safety study river for canoeists

Following the conclusion of the course of the river to safety kayakers, held the weekend of 17-18 October, we are starting to Laboratory Safety river. This is an initiative to study addressed the participants of the course that provides a cyberspace in which to collect notes and reflections. The notes will then be submitted to the review of teachers and will feed into a common information base with the objective of creating a small handbook on safety canoeist. The handbook will be finally published one of the publications of the Special Contents site and made available to the entire community.

Thank you in advance, participants will want to make a contribution, because thanks to them, which will be the real authors of the guide, many paddlers will have valuable insights into the issue of security.

On this occasion we remember that among the publications that are in the Special Contents, there is a small manual on the issues most commonly used in rivers. To download the manual, click on the publication # 3 at .

Participation in the group in the laboratory may occur in the following ways:
- if your notes include drawings as well as text, then we suggest to write a little word document, scan their own designs and send all attachments in e-mail address
- if not involving the notes and drawings, but only text, then you can choose to add a comment to this post (add a comment when you do not necessarily create a google account, but you can leave it as Anonymous selecting the appropriate entry at the time of transmission), or send a simple e-mail to . In the latter case, we'll publish them on a blog

A suggestion to collect your notes, you think of the sequence of topics that were discussed during the course and outline the various techniques of intervention.

Sharing is the key! A

take luck and see you soon in river.

Mario Adolini
you Feel Free kayak school

you Feel Free kayak school is a center of excellence for the practice and teaching of the river and kayak freestyle